How to get the arc-gauge in a bigger circular movement instead of the narrow one?


I noticed that when I use an Arc-gauge it moves in a circular way. Note that my Arc isn’t a perfect circle and has straight lines and corners.
Is there a way to move the centre of that circle so the arc wil be at the border of it?
Now my arc-gauge looks odd and this could be solved by moving the circle-centre away from the arc.

Sincerely Ben

Attach either a photo or video?

There is no option to adjust the offset of the arc gauge. I think your only option is to modify your source image to look like you want it to look.


I gave it a good thought :bulb: and came up with the idea to create a rectangle with its own centre wich serves as the centre of the arc-gauge. Within this rectangle I placed my design. By moving it arround I found the centre I needed.
I grouped everything and it works fine now. :sunglasses:

What do you mean by this?

Sincerely Ben

I meant the video, that does not work …
but you already figured out …

Thanks for your thoughts :slight_smile: