How to get the RPM-gauge counter-clockwise?

Hi everyone,

I’m a newbe and fascinated by Realdash.
Right now I’m designing my own dash by, for starters, using one of the dashboard in the RealDash-gallery and change some bitmaps. ( Designing from scratch is to early for me since setting up al these parameters is quiet a challenge :wink: )

  1. The RPM-gauge there is running clockwise but I’d like to have this counter-clockwise.
    Can anyone tell me how to set this up?

  2. How do I set up the starting-point of the gauge-needle?

Sincerely Ben

  • Select your needle gauge and go to Look’n Feel
  • Select ‘Special and Angles & Offsets’

There you can adjust the needle angles and switch to counter clockwise operation.

Thanks for your reply and solution :slight_smile:

I’ve managed to get arc-meters and needle-meters in place.
I’d like to have an extra mode like my example has, but don’t know how to get one.
Since I’m not familiar with all these codes and parameters, is there a simple way of explaining how to do such?