Greetings. How can I put the .xml file correctly so that several animations are performed after a single action.
In particular, I need to increase the “vehicle speed” “gauge2”
made a downward movement, with the next increase in speed “gauge 2” again stepped down, and a new icon stepped from above to the center,
If in simple words, you need to create the effect as if the numbers fall in the viewing area.
The effect should have the opposite effect if the speed decreases.
Help me figure it out? Thanks!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


		<animation name="fade-out-gauge-2" type="fade" target="Gauge 2" end="0.0" duration="0.05"></animation>
		<animation name="fade-in-gauge-2" type="fade" target="Gauge 2" end="1.0" duration="0.05"></animation>

                <animation name="up-in-gauge-2" type="morph" target="Gauge 2" end="0.460937500000000,0.449596762657166,0.539062500000000,0.550403237342834" duration="0.05" easing="Expo"></animation>
                <animation name="in-gauge-2" type="morph" target="Gauge 2" end="0.460937500000000,0.348790287971497,0.539062500000000,0.449596822261810" duration="0.05" easing="Expo"></animation>
                <animation name="in-down-gauge-2" type="morph" target="Gauge 2" end="0.460937500000000,0.550403237342834,0.539062500000000,0.651209771633148" duration="0.05" easing="Expo"></animation>


		<trigger name="Scorost stoit" condition="equal" variable="Dummy 05" tolerance="1.00" reset="1.00" cooldown="0.00">

		                <action name="up-in-gauge-2"></action>


		<trigger name="Scorost rastet" condition="equal" variable="Dummy 05" tolerance="1.00" reset="1.00" cooldown="0.00">

		                <action name="in-down-gauge-2"></action>


		<trigger name="Scorost padaet" condition="equal" variable="Dummy 05" tolerance="1.00" reset="1.00" cooldown="0.00">

				<action name="in-gauge-2"></action>

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