How to send a debug log

You can help us troubleshoot the connection problems. Here are the steps to enable debug logging and to send the log file to us for analysis.

  1. Go to Settings->Application->Debug Settings and enable debug logging feature.
  2. Go back to dashboard, and let the adapter make connection attempts for a minute or so.
  3. Go back to Debug Settings, check that your debug log size is at least 5kb. If it is less, go back to step 2.
  4. Use ‘Send to developers’ button.

The debug log is uploaded to our server and we can investigate the reason of connection problems. You can now disable the debug logging.

When upload is complete, send us an email to Since log files do not include any personal information, please note date and time of the log to help us find the correct log file.

Note that if you are using WiFi adapter for connections, you may not have Internet connectivity and upload will not work. Disconnect from your WiFi adapter before attempting to upload the log file.