How to send a number in hexadecimal to Arduino?

If you use RDCan_2way.ino, what the sample code should look like to send the numeric value of the variable to hexadecimal. ?
For example, you need to send a number in arduino: 0x5DA
Give an example to send?

Is it possible?

And no answer again?
I not find format for send frame

Where to find the frame format for sending data?
This XML

<frames baseId="0x0014">
   <frame Id="290" writeInterval="5000">
     <value targetId="310" offset="0" length="3" initialValue="V"></value>

gives out

44 33 22 11 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BE

Why 0x14? If must be 0x14+290 = 310?
Why 00 00 00 00? my ODO is not equal 00…
"initialValue=“ID310” also don’t work.
How it work?