How to use "0 to 100" source data

I want to make a popup-window for 2-3 seconds when reaching 100 km/h.
but can’t figure out how to use this datasource yet. is there an example somewhere, or a description?

Make a trigger that is linked to vehicle speed.
Trigger condition: speed > 100
Trigger reset condition: speed < 100
Trigger cooldown: few seconds, just in case
Action: Full screen alert

Hmm …
but where should I use the calculated value “0-100”?
I need need to show not just alert, but the acceleration time from 0 to 100.
Or did I misunderstand the essence of this calc value?

There is an input that automatically calculates the 0-100 time in ‘Calculated Values’. Try that out.

so I’m asking … how. I could not get.

  • Edit your dashboard
  • Add new text gauge
  • Tap ‘Input & values’ and Select Data Source of ‘Calculated Values->0 to 100’

The gauge will start running automatically when speed changes from 0.

as such it cannot be used on a real cluster. this is of course what works …
on a real cluster, this should be shown only when your acceleration time is less than some reasonable limit … for example, less than 15 seconds … otherwise you will see it every time you start moving …
but I already figured it out …
Nevertheless, thank you.