Hyundai veloster turbo

Hey all, I’ve been messing with realdash for a while ( since back when they were talking about making a program for the pc to edit the dash). My biggest issue is i can’t get animations to work / always screw up layering stuff. Also had trouble figuring out getting it to work with my phone and making multiple screens that could be triggered by dash buttons. Hopefully with the assistance of posts here I can get it figured out or I might have to enlist someone here for help/ to do it…

i’m a performance parts designer and 3d modeler by trade so you’d think it’d be easy for me but i always struggle to do anything with laying things out here. I’ll be 3d scanning and printing a bezel and such

I’d also love to do something to be able to make something to control my HVAC stuff on a separate screen as well as if i swap head units i lose the ability to see temps and such on the screen so it could be cool to do a “tesla style” screen and take it all out

Making animations is tricky. I recommend that do not try to edit any of our premium dashboards as starting point as it will only get you confused. Make a simple test dashboard and couple of simple animations to get a hang of it. Some info on animation scripting is here:

Switching pages is easy. Make a multi page dashboard and use Actions to switch between pages. Actions can be triggered from buttons in dashboard, physical buttons, voice commands etc.

We are just about go public with our project ‘DEATHFISH 2’, which has absolutely everything controlled by RealDash. HVAC doors are controlled by servos from RealDash etc. So its definitely possible.

Try not to conquer everything at once. Learn one thing at the time, otherwise it could become overwhelming.

DEATHFISH 2. This sounds interesting. Really want more info on this. lol

Coming soon…