Im looking in to setting up a rasberry pi5 with android 14 and useing a obdlink ex usb connector to communicate to the app but my vehicle (a 98 mustang gt) does not send the fuel level reading over obd2 it is a signal wire directly to the dash. How would i go about getting that signal to the rasberry pi where it could read it on the app.
Please believe my experience - Rasbery is not a reliable enough solution. The fuel signal is the best use of a DC converter in Real Dash CAN (if possible, then study the STM32)
In which way would you consider rasberry to be unreliable
just read the instructions for analysis. if you’re asking me, it’s better to ask me, then take a closer look at the Chinese android car with the diagonal you need
This can be done with RPi, but its not as simple as putting a wire to GPIO pins. You will need some electronics to filter the signal to a level that RPi can handle. Also, the variations on the battery voltage must be filtered out in order to get reliable signal.
Not trivial, but can be done with electronics knowledge.
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