Idle/5th Gear Calculation fix?

Greetings RealDash community!!

I’ve been using RealDash for about a month and I’m loving it! I’ve been customizing the sh*t out of it and I’m astonished by the possibilities the platform presents.

But there’s one thing that bugs me and I don’t know how to properly fix. My OBD2 doesn’t supply transmission information so I use the calculated Gear indicator (I fine tuned the ratios to my car) and the calculation works like a charm. Unless I go in neutral or press the clutch. No matter what Gear or speed I 'm traveling, it goes up to 5th gear.

Since my car idles at around 800-900 rpm, I tried to fix that by making an if statement that tells the indicator to show “N” when the rpm are below 1000. This works some times but most of the time, especially when the car is moving, the indicator flashes between N and 5 until the speed is low enough (or 0) when it resets to N.

Is there a way to permanenty “tell” the indicator to show “N” when the car idles? Any ideas?

put a little delay in the condition of your action. and configure the correct reset action. In fact, this problem is not limited to you.
there is one contradiction.
in fifth gear, you can also idle.
this can be circumvented only to the detriment of one of the transmissions, either “N” but the probability of errors is greater, or “5” …

The calculated gear input updates about 20 times per second, so making a trigger to set that value will always cause some flickering between calculated and value set by trigger.

As we could update the calculation to show ‘N’ if RPM is below set idle, but then flicking the throttle would make gear display to flick again. There is no perfect solution for this.

One brute force idea comes to mind; How about adding another text gauge on top of gear display. It would have static text ‘N’, and would toggle visible to cover another gauge when RPM drops below idle.

That is a BRILLIANT idea!! I could cast a black background to cover whatever is shown under it. That also gets rid of the if statement all-together. Thanks!


One brute force idea comes to mind; How about adding another text gauge on top of gear display. It would have static text ‘N’, and would toggle visible to cover another gauge when RPM drops below idle.

Hi Jani, this is a great idea. I have stated before that RD is not able to show R whenever, I am on reverse i.e. Gear less than 0.

I have currently set Gear input value from Body Electronics in all the gauges. So how to use the above static text idea and make R visible whenever Gear is less than 0 or someother parameter that points to Gear being in reverse. What other trigger can I use to toggle visible/hide this R text?

In Units & Values Gear IS SET FROM Gear (Speed, RPM, Gear Ratio). Should i try any other Gear parameter here? Should I choose the same Gear parameter in the Gauge and Units & Values setion to get this right?

I want R to be shown either automatically or through this hide text idea.

Pls suggest.

The calculated gear (RPM, Speed, Ratio) is unable to determine if you are moving forwards or backwards. So you need to have some sort of signal from your vehicle to indicate reverse gear.

I tried using the reverse lights option but that too doesn’t seem to recognise Reverse on my Android tablet. Are you saying you need some physical/electrical connection with the car?

Yes, the information must come from somewhere. How are you connected to your vehicle?

Bluetooth dongle

Ok, I’m assuming a OBD2 connection then. Unfortunately there is no way that I know of that you could receive status of reverse gear from OBD2 protocol. You would need to install additional hardware or try to read your vehicle CAN to dig out this information.