I use the Virtual Cockpit dash, it has an ignition advance gauge. I realize that when I decelerate the car, it indicates the end of the scale, in my case 40 degrees, with my ignition map the highest value being 35. But in the range of RPM and MAP, my advance is between 10 and 15 degrees. When I am accelerating, the degrees are shown normal, but when I take my foot off the accelerator, at a reduced speed, the indicator goes to 40 degrees. The ignition advances in TunerStudio are normal. Sorry my bad english.
Is this only on Virtual Cockpit, or in RealDash general? Try to make a test dashboard with ignition advance and see what is the range the value goes to.
I did the following test, I returned to the default dash, in the Spark field it is oscillating up to 60 degrees without accelerating the car, at idle. If I accelerate the car, the indicator shows the real value. So I decided to use the connection I used before, instead of selecting Speeduino, I selected Megasquirt and I selected the file speeduino.ini, there it worked normally. If I select Speeduino on the connection, both with the default firmware file of the app, and with the ini file of the latest Speeduino firmware update, the bug is the same. The ignition advance is oscillating at 60 and when I decelerate the car it goes to 60. Now it is working normally, but using the Megasquirt connection and using the speeduino.ini file
I forgot to comment that I use bluetooth module in serial 0
any idea what the problem might be?
Per your description it seems to be Speeduino specific problem. I will run on simulator to double check, but as I do not have Speeduino I may not find anything. Please ask also on Speeduino forum if other users have experienced the same issue.
I participate in a whatsapp group, and some people have reported this problem. And they are using the same solution as me. Connecting as a megasquirt and selecting the speeduino.ini file
Ok, I will run some tests on the simulator.
Moved to Speeduino forum.
Yep, found this. The Speeduino signed 8bit values were handled as unsigned in RealDash. Fix will be in next release.