Image indicators can't read XML for some reason

Jani, Thought I would post here because you probably get too many emails and this is probably better for you and others maybe having the same issue.

I’m still having a bit (no pun intended) of an issue here. RealDash is reading the Canbus input fine but it seems my xml is wrong to have it work the indication images. I eliminated Park, Ready, Wait, below to make it a shorter message for anyone…

d |= (Park << 0); // bit 0 if Park==true, bit 0 will be set 1, and vice versa
d |= (Wait << 1); // bit 1
d |= (Ready << 2); //bit 2
d |= (Drive << 3); //bit 3
d |= (Reverse << 4); //bit 4
d |= (Neutral << 5); //bit 5

// send CAN frame
CAN_message_t frame; = 0x201;
frame.len = 8;
frame.buf[0] = 0x00;
frame.buf[1] = 0x00;
frame.buf[2] = 0x00;
frame.buf[3] = 0x00;
frame.buf[4] = 0x00;
frame.buf[5] = 0x00;
frame.buf[6] = 0x00;
frame.buf[7] = d; // Bits in this byte indicate IO pin states with only one of RND allowed:

Drive= 0x201= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08
Neutral= 0x201= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20
Reverse= 0x201= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10

The answer is, You can not use the same ID for numerous commands. After pulling my hair out for a few days I decide to try changing the 0x201 to 0x3B8 and things started working. So I changed the rest to different values and all works fine now. Total Newbie issue,


Happy to hear you found it. Yes, each frame can be only declared once.