Keyboard shortcut to change the screens of a dash

I could add a keyboard shortcut to change between the screens of a dash, as in the case of the one I use, Virtual Cockpit. Thank you.

Steering Wheel button 1 toggles thru the views in Virtual Cockpit. You can use Shift+1 to simulate Steering Wheel Button 1.


Is there a way to actually switch the DASHES from keyboard?

I got few premium ones, and in change of a mood, i like to change the dash itself.

Right now, the only way is to get the mouse and start clicking.

How I would assume doing, if you would assign some keyboard shortcuts, to iterate the “recent” boards.

Iterating thru recent dashboards list could be done. We are a little short on keyboard shortcuts though, have to think about this.

Why not make it some sort of an event, that can be tied to any keyboard event, for example steering wheel 9 and 0. ?

Hi @realdashdev, do you think its possible to have that functionailty? I am a software guy (.net) may be I can contribute?

You can tie any action to steering wheel buttons just by defining a trigger for them. As for switching dashboard files from the action, honestly, I completely forgot this. Will add to feature request list now.

Hi @realdashdev,

I have almost managed to set up everything I wanted, few small things remaining before I can wrap my car and start assembling the interior )

One of those is to be able to select a dash from gallery via keyboard (or steering wheel) as discussed above. Do you think this feature will be available soon?

Thanks in Advance

There are new actions:

Next Recent Dashboard
Previous Recent Dashboard

Those can be used to toggle entire dash file, you just have to setup your recent items in Gallery by manually loading the desired dashboards.

As for making a action to choose whatever dashboard from gallery is not easy to implement as the dash system has no access to downloadable dashboards and/or their local filenames in order to load them. Accessing recent dashes is the best compromise we could easily implement.


Thanks @realdashdev!

Happy to announce that Have set it up, and likely not going to need my mouse always connected to the pi :slight_smile:

The showcase video is coming soon