KPro + Fuel Level

Hey guys

I’m using Realdash as a setup with KPro. I’m trying to figure out if RealDash has the option to read the fuel level input from an analog input from the Kpro.

This is the setup I plan on using. I wanted to check and see if this was something that could work before I went through with setting it all up.

This is my first post, I did search to see if there were any similar topics and couldn’t find any.

Thanks a ton ahead of time. Excited to have my dash setup and running in my car.

First, verify that you are receiving the analog input from K-Pro

  • Establish connection and go to ‘Settings->Application->Debug->Debug data view’
  • Inspect ECU values that you see the required analog input value and its correct.

If you do not receive the value, we are out of luck as Hondata has not responded to any of my requests for years. They clearly have no incentive to help with RealDash.

If you do receive the value, note the value name and map that value to fuel level:

  • Open ‘Settings->Units & Values->Input Mapping’ and set the mapping of ‘Body->Fuel Level’ to get value from your analog input from K-Pro.

Thank you for the quick and detailed response.

I’ll document my journey with this process here to help anyone who may have the question in the future.

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I was able to successfully get the fuel level sending unit to send signal into the Kpro analog input. It reads in Kmanager as voltage input which I can link to a ‘gauge’ in the Kmanagers display.

Unfortunately, I’m not able to get any input from Kpro → Real Dash. I’ve looked at the Debug Data View as you suggested and I don’t see any analog input listed at all.

I even thought maybe if I used the USB connection that it would communicate better but as I learned, that is not an option with Kpro.

Luckily Kpro does communicate a lot of the needed info for the car.

I’m moving onto another way to communicate analog signals to my Real Dash. My car is a '91 MR2 which doesn’t have OBD.

This video has me curious:

My thought is, can I take a simple voltage signal and send it to an Arduino which then can be read by Real Dash?

For instance, if I were to take the signal wire that goes to my turn signal, input it safely into an Arduino, could I then get the Arduino to interpret that raw voltage signal and translate it to Real Dash?

All of the inputs I am trying to get are from the body harness. Turn signals, High Beam indicators, Fuel level sender, etc. So the KPro can handle the engine related data if I can get an Arduino to handle the body related data.

I know I am simplifying a more complicated process but I wanted to know if this idea was a possibility before I dig deeper.

Thanks ahead of time,


It can be done. I’m not expert on electronics side, but you can send CAN frames from Arduino to RealDash somewhat easily.

See documentation here:

RealDash-extras/RealDash-CAN at master · janimm/RealDash-extras · GitHub

I’m not an expert either but I’m eager to learn and what better reason.

I’ll gladly document my journey and share it here for other reference in the future.

Thank you for you input man, much appreciated.