Kwp protocol

Wanted to ask if you could add the kwp-2000 and kwp9600 communication ?

I could if there is proper documentation available on how to implement it. So far I have only found incomplete documentations.

RealDash OBD2 connection does implement ELM327 protocols. So, what is the difference that needs to be implemented to support the protocols you mention?

ya to support the communication to this protocol

is the pdf right or i search another one and i will have a car to test if you wanna make live test i could run a android with anydesk you could connect to it remotely and send commends

The ELM327 purpose is to ‘hide’ the actual protocol of the vehicle so you can request data with somewhat ‘standardized’ commands. So there is nothing in ELM327 protocol that is somehow KWP specific, the adapter should handle that.

I clearly do not understand what you want me to do about it, sorry.

soo the adapter is not supporting it thanks for that i just realized alot of stuff could you see my dm

What you can do is to experiment with RealDash OBD2 monitor to see what kind of responses you get from your vehicle.

Typically when RealDash OBD2 connection does not work on certain vehicle, it needs a vehicle specific initialization header to start the communications.

What i get is protocol is not supported