Linux version info and install instructions

I don’t remember if I said thank you for this or not. Thank you :slight_smile: This is my instrument cluster in my car. So much better now :smiley:

This is the answer

ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.28-10+rpt2+rpi1+deb10u1) 2.28
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Written by Roland McGrath and Ulrich Drepper.

Linux version is awesome.
Easy to optimize dash for RPI!
Thank You guys!

Is it possible to use somehow addressable leds?

Thanks! Not sure what you mean by that. Write a more detailed feature request to that discussion.

Hi @realdashdev, do you think I can hope for a realdash linux build referencing this version of GLIBC? :unamused: :smiley:

As we are using a newer version of GLIB, I thing downgrading our build environments is too big of a risk to break something. Maybe you could find a way to upgrade GLIB on your distro?

I will try, I have reached out to the developer of openauto. Will keep you posted

tried to install the latest build from my.realdash.
got this error.

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

 realdash:arm64 : Depends: libbluetooth3:arm64 (>= 4.91) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libc6:arm64 (>= 2.27) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libdbus-1-3:arm64 (>= 1.9.14) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libgl1:arm64 but it is not installable
                  Depends: libglib2.0-0:arm64 (>= 2.12.0) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libgstreamer1.0-0:arm64 (>= 1.0.0) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libopenal1:arm64 (>= 1.14) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libssl1.1:arm64 (>= 1.1.0) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libuuid1:arm64 (>= 2.16) but it is not installable
                  Depends: libx11-6:arm64 but it is not installable
                  Depends: libvlc5:arm64 but it is not installable

all these libs are installed and are newer version. for instance, the libc6 is v 2.28

And this is on OpenAuto distro?

I’m sorry, but I really cannot help you there. Can the developers of that distro tell you why these packages are not installable?

I can try to upgrade some of the dependencies for next build, but risk is that it will force out some existing installations that do not have newer packages available.

@realdashdev yes, its openautoPro. I’ll try to deal with it on my own, and keep group posted

I updated the first page instructions on how to install without dependencies. It may or may not work, but could be worth a try.

Hi, I’ve checked. Uninstalled the build, and installed the v2.2.1. installation runs with no issues, but when I launch realdash nothing happens, and when I launch it through the console, typing “realdash”, it gives the same GLIBC dependency error.

I’m sorry that I have not been able to help with this. I don’t understand why install fails when requirement for GLIBC is 2.27 or newer, and you definitely have a newer version installed.

maybe I am doing something wrong. But so far I have narrowed down to the following:

  1. Small correction, install does not fail, launch does.
  2. The distro is buster, which is based on debian 10, which has 2.27.
  3. I have contacted the developer for the release date for the new version, and if that would be based on deb11, which has glibc 2.30+something.

in the meantime, maybe trying to launch it on that distro might help you?
If you want I can share the image you can flash on your pi. Also, my guess is that the issue should be re-creatable on any distro based on deb10.

I tried to dig little deeper. We are using Raspberry Pi:s to compile the Linux ARM versions of RealDash. Even when install package states minimum GLIB version of 2.27, the build environment uses 2.31:

ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.31-13+rpt2+rpi1+deb11u5) 2.31

This is probably why it will not start even when it installs.

As stated earlier, we cannot downgrade the build environment. Currently your only option is to update the GLIB. I think this is doable by setting update repo to Debian11, not sure though.

Can someone possibly help, I am new to Linux but wanted to give it a go.

Khadas VIM3, running ubuntu firmware from:

Ran the below as listed on the 1st page,
-sudo apt install libopenal1 libvlc5 libssl1.1 espeak-ng
-sudo dpkg -i realdash-mrd_2.2.2-1_arm64.deb

Seems to have installed ok. But when I click on the application, it fails to launch/open. If I run realdash from terminal, i get the following error:
khadas@Khadas:~$ realdash realdash: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ no version information available (required by /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ realdash: /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ no version information available (required by /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ 02:51:14.213 os_linux.cpp(441)(tid:0xf51a3565) : NUTS_INFO - Segmentation fault

Sounds like the same issue described by @fscker back on page 7, resolved by @smwoodward. Something about putting Mainline Kernel Section on an SD card, booting it, then copying it over to the emmc… however the link posted is dead, and I cant find any further helpful information.

Hi @realdashdev,

I’ve finally killed off my RealDash running on Android (Konstakang) on RPi4, and have installed the Linux version.

However, I am facing an issue of “Failed to Update Gallery”.
Seems like some permission things, but i don’t know where to start to find out what’s causing it.

I am having an issue with libssl1.1 saying it cannot locate it. However real dash seems to be installed. when I run it from the apps nothing happens. when I run it from terminal I get error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file. I followed the directions above but I assume I did something wrong or am missing something here. I am running this on Ubuntu current version raspberry pi 4. If there is a better way to run Real dash I am open to that as well, Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I find it super impractical to rely on OS dependencies. Currently I’m working on getting RealDash to work in a Docker container and make is OS-independent. Got it running on Arch Linux on my main box in a container, but still some issues to be resolved (and also a test on RPi). I will post some of the details once I get it in shape :slight_smile:

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Using Rasbian OS will make sure that you have all dependencies installed. I don’t think you gain any performance using Ubuntu instead of Rasbian.

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