Management of RealDash in the tray.

It is not possible to restore RealDash from a background process using a trigger and an event. But all sensors and modules remain connected, even when RealDash is running in the background, the connection does not break …
Therefore, I suppose that it is possible to start some kind of timer that will request the Truth event for a certain period of time. And if, for example, the driver’s door opened or another configured event worked, then RealDash is restored from the background to full-screen mode.
Widgets are really missing when RD is in the background: mrgreen:

I could add an feature that if you write value 2 to id 86 (App started), it would bring app back from the background. That’s quite easy to implement. This would only work if RealDash is running on the background and connected to data source. Would that help you get started?

Oh sure! This is exactly what I need…:smiling_face:

Allright, this will be in next beta.
