Ive found old posts mentioning that the navigation portion is handled by map box but pulls data from somewhere else.
I recently learned about map box and wanted to make another dedicated radio screen that uses it, but was also wondering if I have my own personal mapbox account/subscription could I integrate my mapbox build into the dashboard so that both the custom radio and dashboard could sync and display the map together?
I haven’t dove into learning mapbox because I litterally discovered it last night, and have been brainstorming ideas.
I personally would love to design my own nav map and UI and populate it on real dash.
I saw no mention on the specific app, but do see choices for various other navigation services but also don’t understand how that works either.
Those options will launch an external app whenever navigation is started from RealDash.
RealDash uses MapBox for geocoding and navigation instructions. Map data comes from OSM.
In theory you could use your own MapBox token and receive map tiles, but I’m not sure if that is allowed per MapBox terms of use.
Not sure why I never tried that lol. However Waze works and opens but it takes over the entire instance of screen relestate is that the only option or way it works? I know you have mentioned embeded external apps are not going to happen (atleat I think)
Lastly I get a message saying google maps isn’t installed, when it infact is
I’m doing testings and on my phone so ignore the outof place gauge placement, and it also skews switching devices to
It doesn’t look that bad. Don’t roast me 
Please give more details, did not upload to My RealDash?
Sorry, it didn’t upload go my previous post and was the most important screenshot. When attempting to has Google maps as nav preference. Real dash said not installed.