MAP display issue

Any luck with this arrow issue, Jani?

I am again attaching a night mode screen shot. In your screenshot (above) the road is black and text is white. In mine it is light grey text on dark grey road which makes the text difficult to read.

Any way you make it white on black like yours? Or make the text pure white?

Have not found time to work on this, sorry :frowning:

Night mode question?

Any way you make it white on black like yours? Or make the text pure white?

Please be more precise. I do not understand “like yours”, as it should be the same for all users.

I was referring to the map in your message dated Jun 27th above. Your road is black. Mine is grey.

The map tiles come from the same tile provider for every instance of RealDash, so I’m unable to change them. As I said, it could be that tiles have different color scheme based on location, and/or zoom level.