Multiple connections at once

So I recently purchased a OBDLink MX, and it does an amazing job at displaying CAN info. I have a 2009 Toyota Camry and am using the built in Toyota Corolla CAN config.

My issue is none of the regular stuff on my dash works anymore, only the special CAN stuff. To attempt to fix this, I got an OBD cable splitter and plugged back in my previous adapter, a VLink MX+.

So basically, I have 2 connections in my garage. The OBDLink is setup to read CAN, and the Vlink is setup as an OBD2 connection to read PIDS.

It actually works, but I feel like there should be a better way of doing this. Does anyone have a CAN xml file for 2009 Camry. I know Ive asked plenty of times, but maybe someone new will see this and have insight.

Also, the OBDLink app software read all the special extended Toyota/Lexus PID information. It would be very cool if that could somehow transfer over to RealDash. Would save a lot of time.

Can you give some details on how you made the 2 connections?

I just used an OBD2 splitter cable I got off Amazon. I have 1 OBD2 adapter running CAN and one running OBD2 connections. It seems to work fairly well.

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