Bom dia, utilizo o painel para acompanhamento digital, mas seria possível colocar no dash a estação de rádio e também a musica que esta tocando do app como Sportfy? pois já tentei e não consegui .
Hey Marcelo, welcome.
Can you please post in English here so people can assist you.
Thank you.
Good morning, I used the panel for digital monitoring, but would it be possible to put the radio station in the dash and also the music playing from the app like Sportfy? because I already tried and I didn’t succeed.
RealDash is able to control Spotify as a music player. Go to ‘Settings->User->Music Player’ and select ‘Spotify’ from the options. On Android, you have to give RealDash access to device notifications in order to control the music playback.
RealDash does not directly support radio stations, but it is possible to add a video gauge and put an URL to the Internet radio to get the sound stream.
You can use a folder with MP3 or MP4 songs so that when you click play they can be played