My custom dash appears and disappears.

Hi, I made a custom dash for testing my canbus interface with RD. For some reason when I go to load it, it does not load and I get the default dash. I’ve been using it for weeks. The folder and name on it is correct but won’t load. Now today I noticed a folder in RD with no name, just a blank folder, I clicked on it and amazingly there was my custom test dash. So I quit RD and then started it again, went back to open it again and the folder was gone and have not see it since. The original folder was there with the correct name of my dash on it and also the RD default dash folder. The ghost folder was missing. I looked in the file folder in Win 10 and my dash was there. Would not open from there either. Is there a ghost protocol in RD? Anyway any thoughts. Besides building it again.


Hard to say what is going on. Always a good practise to keep backups on cloud drive or something.