Hey guys! Would love to get my tactrix openport set up with realdash! As far as I can tell it Supports these major OBD protocols:
CAN 2.0 (CAN/ISO15765)
K-line (ISO9141/ISO14230(KWP2000)/dual K line) which seems to be supported by realdash, but I can’t seem to get it to connect. I go to connections, then OBD2, then it finds the openport2.0 so I choose that, click accept but it just loops connecting and won’t make the connection. Not too sure what to do next, any ideas? I’m currently using USB OTG, but I’ll try on PC if that’s an issue. Thanks in advance!
One way to troubleshoot OBD2 connections is to use OBD2 monitor in connection settings. There you can issue the commands one-by-one to see what kind of replys you get and do they match to the default OBD2 XML (https://github.com/janimm/RealDash-extras/tree/master/OBD2)
And what exactly am I looking for? Are there any settings that I could have put in incorrectly?
Try to enter the commands listed in default XML to see where it gives an error.
Hmm where can I find this “default XML” so far it just says, connecting, not connected, connecting, not connected
Default XML here (realdash_obd2.xml):
But of course if your adapter is not connecting at all there is not much you can do to analyse.