Hello Realdash members,
I’m creating XML for CAN Stream from EMU Black. (can’t use bluetooth , don’t ask please)
I have two problems.
One is related to ERRFlags (check engine lights) and the other is related to Custom inputs
Here is my current XML file that in general works pretty fine but i can figure out this one for example:
The emu black help info is like this :
From what i can understand is that the bitlenght is 2 bytes and for example if i need to take Bit 7 then it should be like in the example above.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- RealDash CAN XML description file, version 2 Requires RealDash version 1.5.8 or newer -->
<!-- EMU Black XML mapping file made by Damtrx -->
<!-- Target IDs https://realdash.net/manuals/targetid.php -->
<!-- ECU Master IDs are located in the HELP file - EMU CAN Stresm -->
<RealDashCAN version="2">
<frames baseId="0x00000600">
<frame id="0" endianess="little"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 0-->
<value targetId="37" offset="0" length="2" rangeMin="500" rangeMax="8000"></value> <!-- RPM -->
<value targetId="42" offset="2" length="1" conversion="V/2"></value> <!-- TPS -->
<value targetId="27" offset="3" length="1"></value> <!-- IAT -->
<value targetId="31" offset="4" length="2" conversion="V-101.3" rangeMin="-100" rangeMax="150"></value> <!--MAP-->
<value targetId="35" offset="6" length="2" conversion="V*0.016129"></value> <!--Injector PW-->
<frame id="1" endianess="little"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 1-->
<value name="Analog1-ACPressure" offset="0" length="2" conversion="V*0.0049" units="V"></value><!--Analog 1 (AC Pressur)-->
<value name="Analog2-OilWarning" offset="2" length="2" conversion="V*0.0049" units="V"></value><!--Analog 2 OIL Warning-->
<value name="Analog3-DBW1" offset="4" length="2" conversion="V*0.0049" units="V"></value><!--Analog 3 DBW-->
<value name="Analog4-MUXSwitch" offset="6" length="2" conversion="V*0.0049" units="V"></value> <!--Analog 4 MUX Switch-->
<frame id="2" endianess="little"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 2-->
<value targetId="14" offset="6" length="2"></value> <!-- Coolant -->
<frame id="3" endianess="little"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 3-->
<value targetId="254" offset="2" length="1"conversion="V*0.0078125" ></value> <!-- Lambda 1 -->
<value targetId="0" offset="2" length="1" conversion="V*14.7*0.0078125"></value> <!-- AFR -->
<value targetId="38" offset="0" length="1" conversion="0.5*V" rangeMin="-60" rangeMax="60" signed="true" ></value> <!-- Ignition Angle -->
<value targetId="23" offset="1" length="1" conversion="V*0.05"></value> <!-- Ignition Dwell -->
<frame id="4" endianess="little"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 4-->
<value targetId="200" offset="0" length="1" conversion="V"></value> <!-- Gear -->
<value targetId="12" offset="2" length="2" conversion="V*0.027"></value> <!-- Battery Voltage -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="0" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL Coolant temperature sensor failed -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="1" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL IAT sensor failed -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="2" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL MAP sensor failed -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="3" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL Wide band oxygen sensor failed -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="4" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL EGT sensor #1 failed -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="5" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL EGT sensor #2 failed -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="6" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL EGT too high -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="7" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL Knocking detected -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="8" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL Flex Fuel sensor failed -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="9" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL Drive by wire failure -->
<value targetId="65" offset="4" length="2" units="bit" startbit="10" bitCount="1"></value><!--CEL Fuel pressure relative error -->
<value targetId="230" offset="6" length="1" unit="bit" startbit="7" bitCount="1" ></value><!--Brake Pedal Percentage-->
<frame id="6" endianess="little"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 6-->
<value name="Analog5-AC-Voltage" offset="0" length="2" conversion="V*0.0049" units="V"></value><!--Analog 5(ac state from All4Swap)-->
<value name="Analog6-DBW2" offset="2" length="2" conversion="V*0.0049" units="V"></value><!--Analog 6-->
<value targetId="335" offset="7" length="1" units="bit" startbit="3" bitCount="1"></value><!--AC State-->
<frame id="7" endianess="little"><!--EMU CAN Stream - ID 7-->
<value targetId="270" offset="0" length="2" rangeMin="0" rangeMax="250"></value> <!-- Boost Target -->
<value targetId="256" offset="4" length="1" conversion="V*0.01"></value> <!-- Target Lambda 1 -->
<value name="Fuel Used" offset="6" length="2" conversion="V*0.1" units="l/100"></value> <!--Fuel used-->
And my other question is named inputs like this one
I can’t seem to find this one as input for a graph for example.
Aby help will be appreciated.
Once i figure out the BIT problem i will share this in github for other users.
At this stage it works flawlesly