Nissan Patrol y61 Connection

Hi Everyone,

I have been playing with the software for a few days now and am not having any luck getting my 2005 nissan patrol connected. i have a nisbie BT adapter ( Nisbie Bluetooth BT3V24BA to OBD) and a serial cable running an FTDI chip. both connect to other software fine but on real dash i cannot get a connection at all. my Patrol is a y61 2005 model with an OBD2 port running Consult 1. has anyone managed to get it working with this model or any pointers on things i can do?

Did you try the Consult I connection type instead of OBD2?

Hi thanks for the reply, thats the only connection i tried both serial and BT was stuck in a trying to connect loop

I’m sorry, but I’m hesitant to change the Consult I connection. Last time I did so, it fixed the connection for one user and broke it for 500 users. Currently we have no way of testing the Consult connection on actual vehicle and it seems like our simulator does not behave the same as the real thing.

thankyou for the reply, nissan were really stupid with the consult protocol. i’ll have a look around for other solutions maybe write something to convert to can or a log file i can read from.

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