Nissan Tiida C11 fuel mapping difficulty

Hello DEV, I have a little problem here. I’m mapping the fuel gauge of a Nissan Tiida C11 but it shows the opposite. When the tank is empty the value goes up to 256 when the tank is full it drops to approximately 0. I can even do the conversion calculation but the display is inverted. Is there any way to solve this problem in the RealDash configuration or just in the XML?

You can use either:

  • custom XML with attribute: conversion=“256-V”

This would be the best option as issue is fixed at connection stage so value is already correct when it comes to the gauges.

  • Gauge Math

Any gauge can have some math in it. Make a gauge, attach it to fuel level and go to Look’n Feel->Special and enter “256-V” into gauge math edit box.

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Thank you very much DEV!