I think OBDLink SX default baud rate is 115200, but it can be configured to something else.
With RealDash closed, plugging in the adapter, does the system popup appear offering RealDash to be used with? Or does RealDash boot automatically as soon as USB is plugged in?
once I connect the USB it boots real dash automatically.
Ok, that indicates that RealDash has permission to use the adapter. Then I’m out of ideas. We do have OBDLink SX that we use for testing purposes almost daily.
Hi brother…
i have question
about the oil pressure
i found two different of oil pressure
1- engine oil pressure : its not reading correctly as i showed you before.
2- oil pressure (simulated) : its reading well
but always the minimum of the pressure it’s 30 psi its never showing below 30 psi but its changing while idling.
so im confused . because i upgraded the oil pump, and i tested with a different app. It’s reading from 42-50 psi, and increasing while ideling but im not sure is that correct or not.
so i want to be sure should i ge with the simulated oil pressure reading minimum 30 psi
help me please
because u have a lot of experience.
now app RealDash support OBDlink for monitoring CAN
can add support monitoring VPW - J1850 monitor for analysis ( the manufacturer wrote to me that J1850 is supported)
it’s shows in Source:
Harley Davidson J1850 VPW
so did you mean i have to choose this source with Obdlink sx ?
No, that is specific for Harley Davidson motorcycles (as name suggests).
Use ‘Adapters CAN/LIN->OBDLink CAN Adapter’ as connection type to monitor CAN trafic with it.