
How to make a full odometer?
I can get only 1 byte of mileage * 10 meters from the my car. Also, I must to send a mileage value every 500ms to the can-bus.
I do not understand how to do this.
What should I do for this?

Do developers find my question uninteresting?

No, its not uninteresting. This is a summer vacation period so we do not act that quickly.

One byte * 10 is maximum of 2550 so there is no way to make odometer out of that value. Use full 4 bytes for the value and write it to targetId 310.

you are not understand me…
my car NOT provide 4 bytes…
4 bytes provide only factory Cluster, but I make custom cluster. And custom cluster must provide ODO-value for all other ECU’s
but while I was waiting for your answer, I already solved this problem … now I have a different problem, described in another thread https://www.realdash.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=166

Friend, my reading is also just one bit, how did you solve it in your case?