Pauses and stuttering when connected to ESP32 TCP server

Working with an automotive tuning / datalogging device that has a TCP server setup for a RealDash CAN connection. Some people are running the RealDash with no issues, while others (myself included) are having intermittent pauses, stuttering, and dropped connections.

Working in parallel with device developer and he had me open the TCP connection and wireshark the wifi packets with no issue for several minutes. Once the RealDash software is loaded however, wireshark begins to fill with TCP retransmit and and resets. Wireshark logs can be viewed here:

I have had issues with two devices running Windows 10, and tested 2 android devices that did not have issues. Another user is currently having issues with an android device.

Video of pausing here:

Ok, I will take a look at your materials if I can find anything.

I’m the developer of the device being used. The TCP connection supplies 50 * 16 bytes per second driven by a 20ms task on the ECU, with 8 bytes CAN payload and 8 bytes header required by RealDash. Often these are Nagled into 2 * 16 bytes together and that is OK. When connecting with RealTerm as the consumer of the TCP connection and logging with Wireshark everything is smooth.

Hello! I’ve the same issue on my device which based on realtek wifi module.

Are you also experiencing this problem on Windows version only?

Android 7.0. OBD2(dialog mode) with the same device works fine. Bluetooth too.

I’m just about to release 1.8.1, which does have an improvement into TCP/IP connections. Please try with that one when it becomes available to Microsoft store.

1.8.2 works fine for me.

Ok, good to hear. We did quite a lot of work on optimizing the TCP/IP code, especially on Windows version.