Please help me I am trying to using Arduino and MCP 2515

I am trying to using arduino and MCP2515
Can you help me please modify the Arduino example code code for me

Rpm - mcp2515
Speed- mcp2515
Throttle position - mcp2515

And gear indicator - Arduino D3
Oil level - D4
Check engine -D5 optional
Turn left - D6
Turn Right - D7

Please I request to you please provide me the sketch , and realdash example
Because i don’t know coding

Please :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

This will be a tall order if you do not know any coding beforehand. You’d need someone to work with you for hours to get you started. I’d recommend that you find a friend how is a coder and you can sit together with your device and work with it.

Over the years I have found that even with professionals, it is very difficult to help on custom hardware projects remotely. There is just no way to replace the efficiency of working in person with hardware in hand.

I have similar files for you, I will be at work tomorrow, write to me and I will help…

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What car do you have?
You cannot connect those inputs directly to the arduino (D3-D7) you need special ardware to protect arduino

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