Primitive information from the navigator

Greetings. Many Android navigation apps display route information in the status bar. Can I make a component in RealDash that displays primitive information from the navigation application on the screen?


This would be awsome but then from google maps.
I am using google maps on the background and with each turn it brings a popup on top of realdash.

How did you achieve this? Tell us?

I am using an 7 inch tablet with android. installed google maps and realdash.
i first start maps and by voice assistent i start navigation to an adress. then i start realdash.
every turn google then popup ond the top overlay the navigation instruction for a vew secconds.

I use button remapper to assign the volume buttons to switch from maps full sreen and realdash.

Google maps stays running in the background so it will keep you updated, same as realdash keeps running in the background when google maps is in full screen.

And still? Jani, can we try? And then didn’t even answer anything?

The navigation icons? This has been on my todo list forever :frowning:

Tell me if you plan to add navigation pointers in the near future?

Yes, that is planned. Don’t know on which version they will come though.

Edit: Confirmed to next (1.7.0) release.

If a third-party navigator displays information about the upcoming maneuver and speed in the status bar (curtain), can I get this information using RealDash, I mean the graphic part (arrows).

I do not believe its possible. RealDash has no control over other apps.

This is not control. These are notifications. RealDash may receive notifications from other applications.
So I ask that RealDash would read the notification from this application and change the pictures according to the status of notifications.
If the application sent a “turn right after 50 meters” notification, RealDash displays the notification text and draws an “right” arrow

I don’t like it. Imagine all localisations and variations on instruction texts.

Good. I calmed down and understood. This is not real.