Hi, just want to share the awesomeness of RealDash with dashbox on my project car. In my configuration I’m running Samsung tablet 8" in cluster. I made adapter plate for cluster and inserted some needle gauges so the display would not look too naked in the middle.
The needle gauges were exposed initially.
Then I made aluminum rings around them and filled it with acrylic glass.
It’s not done but slowly getting there.
I still have a boat load of indicators to wire and trying to get at list one working a day I’m sure I’ll have a lot of questions later but everyone is very supportive here, thanks for the help!
This is in 1991 Acura nsx. It was great replacement as the old clusters become fire hazards with almost 30 year old capacitors leaking Love RealDash, this app is awesome!!
Sorry for replying to an old post… can you show/explain how you get it to turn on w/ key/ignition? And does it auto boot the realdash? Noob here trying to learn. Awesome work though looks killer
I use usb charger for car to charge it. There is app for android macro that you will configure when it see charging it will auto logon to your tablet then open realdash.