Questions From A Real Dash Beginer

Hi So Im hoping to start a thread for all the absolute Real Dash Beginners where i can ask questions (or others) of the most basic things and when answered update the first post with the Q & A… To the experienced users some questions will seem basic, but remember…
“Common Sense is only Knowledge Acquired, whats common for you may not be for me”

If youd like a answer to your question, feel free to ask or PM me and ill ask.

Would you mind telling me what is the best/ or RECOMENDED program to design a dash or individual parts in?

What file format is it best to save new designed Dash items as?

Do the new designs need to be coded then imported into real dash?
Or Does Real Dash apply the code to the designs?

Would you mind telling me what is the best/ or RECOMENDED program to design a dash or individual parts in?

A: Photoshop is a great program to use, as it can create layers and has many plugins available.

What file format is it best to save new designed Dash items as?

A: PNG is a format I would recommend

Do the new designs need to be coded then imported into real dash?

A: No, you are simply importing an image into Realdash. After importing you use Realdash to assign the image to something and manipulate overlaying text or needles which also can be images you import.

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Along photoshop, we use:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Krita
  • GIMP

The graphics authoring tool is pretty much issue of personal choice. Whatever tool you feel comfortable with.

Images formats, JPG, PNG, BMP and GIF are supported.

  • Use JPG on ‘photograph’ like images, like backgrounds etc that do not require transparency
  • Use PNG for anything that needs transparency and you do not want to have any compression artefacts on the image.
  • BMP is supported but I would always prefer PNG over it. Although VERY large BMP images may load a bit faster than PNG.
  • Animated GIF files can be used for small animations. For static images use PNGs instead.
  • MP4 video files are also supported with Video Gauge.
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Thank you for the replies… This forum layout is new to me… Is it possible to edit the first post to put your information to the question?
Another question to do with file format…

What is the ideal file size? (smaller of course)
What is the largest acceptable size? (maybe a better question)

What would be a normal use for a video file (.mp4)… ? (maybe a example link)

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Yes, you can edit your messages on the forum.

Ideal pixel size of the image is the size that matches 100% to your target device screen resolution in a way that final image placement does not stretch or shrink the image.

There is no hardcoded limit for image size. Larger images use more memory and take longer to render to the screen. Using oversized images does not give you any benefits.

VideoGauge playing mp4 file is mostly used for special effects.

Hello, I am also new here and have a question. How can I connect my 33 year old motorbike to REALDASH? I have no CAN bus and no OBD connection. thanks for your answers. greetings Martin

You would need to install sensors and have some sort of IO box to read sensor data and send it to RealDash. It can be done, heck I have used RealDash on my lawnmover, but it requires DIY tweaking.

Of course RealDash can be used with GPS only to get speed and location.

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I meant file saved size. As in kilo Bytes and Mega Bytes.

But the pixel size is important to

Only thing that really matters is the image pixel size.