Rae-San OBD-Bridge

Trying to configure realdash to talk to this over the bluetooth link -
no problems setting up the link - the XML file seems to be loaded ok -
but Real dash only repeats asking for the first 4 PIDS - refuses to look for the others ?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Example log from the OBD_Bridge (partial)

gFUEL_L :0
gFAN_ON :1
gT_HIGH :0

RPM :1225


gTEMP H2O :1300 Raw H20 : 0
gFUEL :100 Raw Fuel : 0
gVOLTAGE :139 Raw Volt : 735
gTEMP OIL :40 Raw OilT : 0
gOIL PRES :70 Raw Psi : 0
gTHROTTLE :956 Raw TPS : 956
gO2 VAL :900 Raw O2 : 0

RX PID: 0100 - TX: 410088188001
RX PID: 0120 - TX: 412000020001
RX PID: 0140 - TX: 414040000011
RX PID: 0160 - TX: 416000000001
RX PID: 0180 - TX: 418000000011
RX PID: 01A0 - TX: 41A00401F800
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0F84
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0F84
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0F84
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0F84
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0EE8
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0EE8
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0EE8
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0EE8
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0EE8
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0EE8
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0EE8
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0E48
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0E48
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0E48
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0E48
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00
RX PID: 0111 - TX: 4111EF
RX PID: 0105 - TX: 4105AA
RX PID: 010c - TX: 410c0E48
RX PID: 010d - TX: 410d00

Looking for a reason for only the 4 pids to be requested

I will take a look and run your log on our OBD2 simulator.

really look forward to seeing what you find -
its got me puzzled -
like it ignores the responses too everything except the 0100 block


deleted the connection to the bluetooth and reconnected so as to pickup the default xml file -
still the same - not asking for any other pids -

so then I hard coded the OBD bridge to return FFFFFFFF to the 0100,0120,0140 etc -

realdash didnt seem to cope with this wery well at all - it asked for the 4 pids as previous - once and then appeared to stop -
after a few seconds it reinitilised the connection - repeat.

definately seems to have an issue with processing the supported pids commands.


any news - any investigation - ?

can anyone else with a working xml file for anything other than the default for OB2D2 drop a copy so I can try and see if it behaves the same ?


This is still on my todo list, sorry. I had to push the 1.6.2 out first.

ok - been trying to tackle it from other fronts - eg getting dash command to work with it etc -
fixed a couple of small bugs in the obd2 message handler at my end - tp do with initialisation responses - but nothing that had any effect on on this problem.



I did investigate this a little bit but could not find the problem. Could you share again just one PID that is sent and RealDash is not responding properly?

problem is that Realdash doesnt ask for any of the pids below
despite them being defined in the XML file -

<!-- Over Temp / Dummy

its the other way around -
Realdash should be requesting the PIDS as defined in the XML - and is not - only asks forthose up to 011F it seems


Ok, I will get into this today.

manage to find anything mate ?


No sorry, on my simulations it worked as expected. This is very odd indeed. I will take another look during this week.

I apologize the slow responses, I have had difficulties find time to make an update.

hmm - so in your case the realdash requested the codes in the rang 0120 and above ?
if so do you have a trace as i might be able to compare against the values returned for the 0100, 0120, 0140 etc request response pairs and check -

can you advise the simulator you are using ? i might be able to try something with it at this end ?

Easiest is if you could send me a log of the simulator and realdash comms - then I can try and figure it out at this end


I use two simulators, the OBDLink simulator 2000, and our own inhouse software simulator, which we can easily configure the way we want.

Please give me couple of more days to get into this. I’m currently working on multiple projects but try my best.

I think I know now whats going on.

Since OBD2 uses a poll mechanism, RealDash skips all requests that have no gauge associated. This is to optimize the speed of the data transfer since there is no point of requesting the value from the vehicle if there is no gauge to show it.

Try to make a dashboard that has gauges for all your ‘RAESAN’ specific values and the requests should go thru just fine.

will give it a whirl
let you know


Im sorry - I must be missing a step -
even though I have given the XML file with custom definitions -
Ive set the gauges to point to the custom defined values ( and the internal mapped variables)
it still seems to refuse to ask for the custom PIDS - it only really wants to ask for the RPM - .

Is there some other mapping between gauge and PID ?
it doesnt work either using the internal mapped value for the pid as defined in the XML - or direct.

is there an example about with custom PIDS that works that I can emaimne ?

currently Torque Pro =1 Realdash = 0

is there a way to reset it to a celan install and start again - just in case ?


also there seems to be some inconsistency in the examples to the tutorials as to whether a is needed on the init section -

also is there an order prefered for the fields in the command message ?
