RD app is getting dim on Android tablet

Hi Jani,

I have been having this problem for a long time, but it’s getting irritating now. I am using Newboss dashboard on my Android tablet. There is no issue when I start the app in the morning. But let’s say I have navigation on and I have driven for around 10 kms (just an example) and turn off the tab display (with RD view) and also off engine for about 15 mins to go to a grocery store.

When I come back and switch on the display screen 3 things happen:

  1. The navigation route will not pick up from where I left. It will say drive south/north, etc but not update the km or the route.

  2. The RD will show up only in half brightness i.e. it will kind of go into a background view and home button at the bottom will be the dominant one. Which means touch commands also will not work. Only solution is to quit RD and start again, but then I will lose the mileage readings till that point and have to start from zero again.

  3. It will also GPS enable/disable even if location is already on and I have already said “Enable” when I started RD in the morning. Even if I do a fresh install of RD, location option shows only “Allow while using app” and “Deny”. There is no “Always allow RD to use location” option.

Any solution for these issues?

Also where do I change the voice of the person making navigation announcements?


Need some clarifications:

  • Android, Windows, iOS or Linux?
  • When you go to the grocery store, RealDash continues running on the background when screen is off?

The speech output is (assuming Android) from your device Text-to-speech settings.

Android, as mentioned already.

Yes RD is always running in background. In fact, I have tried both switching off the screen with RD view and also going to Android home and switching off screen (in both cases RD is running in background). Same issue in both situations.

Ok, will investigate.

Any luck, Jani?

Still in todo stack. Hope to take a look this week. Next release is planned for Monday.

Ok thanks.

In next release, can you add an option to “Always allow RD to use location” rather than asking each time, even if location is enabled? Is this in your control?

On Android, you have to allow Google to track your location at all times in order to dismiss that prompt. There is nothing RD can do about it.

Thought as much. Unfortunately, Google is showing only 2 options - “allow while using the app” and “deny”. Even after choosing the former not sure why RD is showing that pop up everytime I start up. I wish RD could check for 5 secs and then do a pop up if not enabled by anyone.

  1. The RD will show up only in half brightness i.e. it will kind of go into a background view and home button at the bottom will be the dominant one. Which means touch commands also will not work. Only solution is to quit RD and start again, but then I will lose the mileage readings till that point and have to start from zero again.

    please use this settings and trip not be reset ( i not undestand long time too)

Thanks. Using those Trip input values, Trip A will not be reset but Trip B is getting reset when I quit RD. Morever, when I meant mileage I was referring to kmpl reading, which also gets reset.

Trip B is your ‘current trip’ and it resets by design.

Agreed. I hope you can find a solution for the navigation and dim background issue based on your investigation.

I did investigate this a bit, but as I understand the use-case, it worked well for me.

  • Start Navigation in RealDash
  • Put app in a background and wait for 15 minutes
  • Re-activate the app
  • Navigation is still active and continues from where it left off.
  • I never experience any ‘Dim’ situation where app would not respond.

Tested on:

  • Galaxy Tab A
  • Nokia X20
  • Lenovo P11 plus

Thanks Jani.

One issue solved. I found the reason for the “Dim” issue. My tablet had the battery saver on and once I turned it off, RD remains in the foreground as soon as I open it.

The map also stays on and it is not asking “Enable GPS” now, but I will test in on road and confirm whether it starts off from where I left after a 15 min gap.

At home/ test conditions (like you did) it works after 15 min or even 1 hour but need to check on actual usage to see whether the route (blue colour line) is updating correctly. Earlier it used to hang.

Not sure whether you took your car out while testing.

I don’t have a permanent SIM on my tablet. I connect to my phone SIM over hotspot so only actual road testing will simulate the issue.

Will check and update in few days.

Hi Jani,

I tested the map issue. Set a destination, travelled 13.9 km (see attached pic) and stopped at a signal. I am facing a new problem after 2.2.1 update. I set the scale RPM automatically to make use of Critical RPM, etc from garage.

You can see the battery is at 0.0 V, km/h reading is 0, coolant temp is 0, but rpm gauge is stuck at 778 rpm, eventhough engine is off. This is happening every time.

Now when I start the engine RD is not connecting to the BT OBD dongle. BT dongle lights are blinking but the KM gauge and RPM gauge are standstill and I am having to restart RD to connect to BT again. This is happening each time I stop the vehicle even for 1 min.

So even though map stays on, it’s of no use because of the above issue. I never faced this before.

I was happy that dim issue and map issue are ok but now this problem has cropped up.

Now even after un-checking scale RPM automatically this problem is there.

Can you check at your end please? What could be the reason?


Just tried with Ver 2.1.7 which was installed on my phone earlier and the RPM is going back to 0 when I switch off the car. So it fairly conclusive that this issue has started after 2.2.1 update. Just for info, I also did TPS calibration after 2.2.1 update but I don’t this that should create the RPM issue.

Please check and revert.

Jani, I had to delete and reinstall Newboss RD to get over the RPM not getting to 0 problem.

Only one issue that I am facing now is when I click on Start Navigation to search for an address. If I stay on the address search screen for 30-60 secs 1 or so to get the right address while searching, RD is foreclosing.

Can you pls check the above issue? I wonder why RD keeps foreclosing like this?

What this forelclosure is leading to is the resetting of kmpl of TRIP B and resetting of kms travelled in TRIP B. While I agree that it is designed this way, can you “also” give the option of NOT resetting it automatically. User should be able to decide whether it should auto reset or manually reset (like TRIP A).

If this can be done I can live with these occasional foreclosures especially on a long highway drive because I don’t want to lose the TRIP B stats when I have actually not finished my journey.

However, there should be an option to reset TRIP B “Average fuel consumption” parameter manually. I know quick settings has TRIP B reset, but that is only for KM reset.

Is it possible to include this feature in the next update?

This will assuage my concerns for now.

Alright, will take a look.

Edit: For me, the Reset Trip B action also resets the Trip B average consumption.

The RPM problem you experienced is probably due the new RPM Warning and RPM critical level values introduced in 2.2.1. It is possible to update the version and encounter the situation where your RPM warning or critical level in vehicle profile is higher than MAX RPM. That will cause RPM to scale wrong and needles do not use the full range of the gauge.

So, if anybody is experiencing a problem with RPM gauges, check the RPM warning and critical levels from the Garage.

I think you mistook my question regarding TRIP B reset. It does reset both km and kmpl for me too.

Owing to the navigation search causing RD app to foreclose within 1 min (pls see earlier message above) of being on that search screen, I was requesting whether you give the option of TRIP B reset as a toggle action and NOT reset it automatically whenever we Quit RD app or whenever the RD app forecloses.

If this can be done I can live with these occasional foreclosures especially on a long highway drive because I don’t want to lose the TRIP B stats when I have actually not finished my journey.

So, this is a request for a NEW feature wherein if you can give Enable/Disable TRIP B manually which the user can toggle (like you have enable/disable GPS).

It is appearing in this post owing to the Navigation screen causing RD app to foreclose. Pls check this bug too.
