RD Installation / Use

Hello realdashdev,

As an RD newbie, it is incredibly difficult to find the right hardware for an installation in the car…

RD is a really great piece of software, but unfortunately only has a very incomplete description of RD installation / use.

Here some questions remain unanswered for newbies.
Especially if you have to work with another operating system like Android or Linux because of the SBC used. -
This leads to many avoidable questions in the forum…

I’m missing important general information about RD and the installation that is exactly understandable for newbies, at a central point (separated according to OS such as Android, WIN, Linux)…

Some “stupid” questions like eg. these ones:

  • Do I have to use a channel description file at all, or do I only need it if e.g. Arduino is used for analog inputs (e.g. for indicator lights)?

  • Is the channel description file installed with the RD installation (depending on the OS) - or does it have to be inserted manually?

  • Which channel description file do I have to use for the individual applications (CAN / OBD / no CAN OBD / only GPIO / Arduino) (direct download link!)?

  • I find GitHub really confusing / impractical for this.

  • In which folder does the file have to be (WIN, Android, Linux)?

  • Do certain rights have to be assigned for this ?

  • if so, how and which ones?

Here I would wish for a much better understandable FAQ and installation instructions, separated by the above operating systems…

Is that doable?

Due to the flexibility of RD it’s not practical for them to document everything. Personally getting it working with custom file was quite rewarding, but i understand it can be frustrating.

There is a lot of help available on the forum and if you have specific problem Jani will try to help you.

Custom file will be needed unless your exact input is specified in the conections menu. Does not need to be in a specific place as you need to import the xml as part of the new connection process.

If you experiment and read somemore, it will make sense, if you have specific issue, put it here and Jani will help.

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