By default, the file format expects either bit values, as specified with units=“bit” or 8-bit or 16-bit values, (single or dual byte), correct?
If for instance, 3 bits are identified on the canbus for a paramter, is the best way to present the full 8 bit word in the XML to AND out the required bits, in this example B1,B2,B3 would be conversion=“V &14” to mask the desired result. I tried just specifying a three bit word instead but this did not seem to work.
Hi, below extract is from my RealDash CAN XML; this is the gear from the transmission. The gears are represented by bytes 1,2, and 3, however, I don’t know what sits behind bits 0,4,5,6, and 7, this could be warnings.
One way of protecting this value would be to add conversion=”V &14”
Alternatively, is below possible, I am sure I tried this permutation earlier and did not get result into the targetId.