Realdash restart on charging event

Dear Developer,
I’m enjoying Realdash, currently I’m using realdash on old tablet: sony xperia tablet z sgp311 with lineage OS 16(android9)
It runs smoothly.
Currently I’m using arduino Realdash CAN as a signal source and it runs as I hope.
I’m using USB connection with arduino, its nicely open Realdash when USB conection established, but until now I still have One thing that I don’t like, Realdash always restart when charging power connected or disconnected, its very annoying me using Realdash( charging is via charging dock/ not via usb) may be it be a bug?
For information, here is in my tablet has some application is restarted when power disconnected or connected.
But other applications have no effect with this charging event.
Hope you will help this situation, Thanks a lot

Do you have the option ‘Start/Shutdown on Charging events’ enabled in Settings->Application?

I saw Start/Shutdown on Charging events option but I disable that, but it still has the effect
so I must always connect the charger to tablet.

This must be some sort of tablet specific behaviour, as I have never experienced such a restart with charging events. Strange.