RealDash USB connection to Spitronics

Hi, I have a Spitronics Venus 3 Stand Alone ECU in my vehicle.
I am trying to monitor the system on my android head unit.
When connecting to the ECU RealDash sees the UART to USB bridge cable, and then rapports a unknown device.
I have tried all the recommended settings and a few others as well, to no avail.
Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Ok, we will take a look.

I contacted Spitronics about this. The Venus 3 is new product that requires changes into RealDash. We are going to make those changes in co-operation with them, so expect Venus 3 to work on next release of RealDash.

Hi, thanks for coming back so soon. I will be watching this space.

Support for new Spitronics devices is in 2.0.1 version.