RealDash version 1.7.2

  • 1.7.2 released 3.4.2020


  • Arc gauge now has autoscaling feature.
  • Gauges can now be resized around its center.
  • Edit mode, Gauge shows guidelines to its center point.
  • Added new keyboard shortcuts for editing.
  • Android: 1228800 and 2000000 baud rates are now supported.


  • Fixed crash on gauges that are linked to unknown input.
  • Action edit UI is now (somewhat) prettified.
  • DTAFast: Fixed connectivity issues with USB.
  • MaxxECU: Fixed a hang in Bluetooth connection.
  • MaxxECU: Lambda is now mapped to correct target id.
  • MaxxECU: Ecu specific inputs are now prefixed with MaxxECU.
  • Win10: Fixed USB-serial and Bluetooth connectivity issues.


  • To resize gauge around its center, use shift+drag, or shift+ctrl+arrow keys.
  • Dashboards using MaxxECU specific inputs may need to be remapped.
  • For a complete list of editing keyboard shortcuts, see: