RealDash version 1.7.5

  • 1.7.5 released 14.5.2020


  • Added inputs for automatic calculation of 60 feet, 1/8 mile and 1/4 mile time.
  • Select gauge popup now has name filter.
  • Pulse width based fuel consumption calculation added.
  • Engine parameter: Number of injections per cycle.
  • Megasquirt settings parameter: Incoming temperature units.
  • New options for date and time format in settings.


  • Start/Stop datalogging toasts are now displayed every time.
  • Datalogging can be started at any time, no active connection is required.
  • 0 to 100kph calculated input accuracy improved.
  • Fixed crash on Font replace/remove.
  • Fixed images showing too big on assets popup.
  • Fuel consumption units is now included in settings import/export.
  • Car model is re-loaded when settings are imported in Garage.
  • Settings Units and Values are now squeezed into single page.
  • Android: Activity background is now Black.
  • Android: Build SDK updated to API29.
  • Win10 fixed potential crash on paired Bluetooth device scan.
  • iOS: fixed location permission popup not staying on screen.

3 pages of Units and Values settings have been squeezed into a single settings page. This includes new settings for date and time formatting.

If injector pulse width is received by RealDash, it is used for fuel consumption calculation as it can provide a precise consumption value. The following values in vehicle parameters account to fuel consumption with injector pulse width:

  • Engine type (number of cylinders)
  • Injector size/flow (@ 3bar/43.5psi)
  • Number of injections per cycle (new for 1.7.5)
  • Two stroke engine
  • Fuel consumption correction factor

In addition, if fuel pressure is received, it is used to correct the injector flow from nominal. If fuel pressure is not received and manifold absolute pressure is available, that is used to correct the flow as fuel pressure regulator would be manifold pressure controlled.