RealDash version 1.8.9

  • 1.8.9 released 18.2.2021


  • Race tracks: Spain: Lerida and Mollerussa, UK: Oulton Park, France: Pôle mécanique d’alès.


  • When editing is started, the progress of asset extraction is shown and UI is disabled.
  • The expression evaluator for XML ‘conversion’ attributes is completely replaced with a faster one.
  • Fixed button gauge sticking down if top menu was open while pressed.
  • The engine runtime (total) can now be re/set with action.
  • Improved drawing performance of stretched needle gauges.
  • Fixed too fast update on Range.
  • Fixed possible erroneous timeout signal on connections.
  • All serial connections now use smaller buffer for faster update.
  • Fixed GIF animations not starting.
  • MaxxECU: Fixed problem in USB connection.
  • Android: Fixed music player support if player was started after RD.
  • Android: Fixed a potential crash when app is closed from task manager.

    The expression evaluator module has been completely re-written. This module is responsible of Gauge Math and reading ‘conversion’ attributes from XML and evaluate them in real time with incoming data. Previous implementation was slow, especially on low powered devices and caused noticeable delay on input processing. New implementation has been measured to be 100x :astonished: faster, especially with short expressions like ‘V/10’. Please try your Gauge Math expressions for compatibility with new implementation.

The incoming serial data buffers are now considerably smaller on all implementations. This should improve responsiveness as incoming data stream is handled in smaller chunks. Please let us know if you encounter problems with your serial connections after this update.

The 1.8.8 ‘faster dashload’ feature broke GIF animations and that should be fixed on this release. Consider updating your animated images to .mp4 video assets, as GIF memory and data stream requirements are enormous compared to video playback. This is especially true if animation is anything more complex than very small indicator etc.