RealDash version 1.9.8

  • 1.9.8 released 27.10.2021


  • New text gauge date formatting option.
  • New input: Calculated RPM from speed and gear ratios.


  • Fixed RDCan protocol setting max RPM limit to 0.
  • Service notification are now localized.
  • Fixed Map gauge jerkiness when location data was sent faster than screen update.
  • Gauges in container now do startup sweep.
  • Fixed save error on some old dashboard files.
  • Fixed text gauge special formatting not applied to copied gauge.
  • iOS: Protune ECU is now enabled.

The ‘Calculated RPM’ may be interesting to those who use RealDash with no data connection to vehicle (GPS only). It calculates what RPM would be when running current speed on top gear. Calculation is done based on tire size and gear ratios set in the Garage.

My RealDash users may want to try new Debian Linux package downloadable from My RealDash. It is still considered a beta, and only Debian x64 package is available.