RealDash version 2.0.5

  • 2.0.5 released 18.2.2022


  • GPIO targetIds.
  • Slider Gauge has configurable action value set delay.
  • OBD2: XML attribute ‘rawReply’ allows easier usage of custom OBD2 commands.
  • OBD2: XML units=“text” added to make debugging easier.
  • CAN XML: If units=“time”, the settings timezone is applied.
  • Linux: SocketCAN support.


  • CAN Monitor now changes the colors of values when frame has less than 8 bytes.
  • Fixed gauges sometimes changing size and position when visiting Look’n Feel.


This version of RealDash supports GPIO inputs/outputs when available on a device. The targetIds are available on all platforms regardless, in new input category ‘GPIO’. The GPIO also has support for servo motors for easy control from 0 to 180 degrees via their own specific targetIds. GPIO is also implemented for Windows IoT Core, but not tested.

Slider gauge has new option ‘Action value set delay’. This is found in ‘Look’n Feel->Special’. When slider is attached to a value that writes to ECU/CAN/GPIO, you can control the rate of data write. Set this value to 100, to send the value update to connected device once per 100 milliseconds. Set it to 0 and value is only sent when slider is released.

OBD2 XML has new attributes. In ‘command’ section you can use rawReply=“true” which turns off RealDash internal reply header identification. This helps to implement non-standard commands more easily. Another new attribute is in ‘value’ section as units=“text”. If this attribute is present and there is no value conversion, the reply is shown in RealDash ‘as-is’ from the connection. This helps on debugging the reply.

CAN XML has new units=“time”. If CAN frame value contains time in seconds, using this attribute instructs RealDash to convert the value into local time. The GPS timezone in Settings is also applied to this.

Linux version of RealDash has support for SocketCAN. SocketCAN is a kernel level support for CAN communications. Typically this is used with ‘cantools’ package. In practise, if you get CAN data with ‘candump can0’, (where can0 is your CAN interface), RealDash will also be able to read/write the CAN data. In addition, RealDash attempts to set the user selected CAN bitrate, but this requires that ‘ip link set’ commands are in sudoers list for the current user. You can test this by issuing command:

sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000 restart-ms 100

If you are asked for password, RealDash will not be able to set the CAN parameters automatically.