RealDash version 2.0.8

  • 2.0.8-2 released 27.4.2022


  • New Actions: Next/Previous Song Folder.
  • LDS: User selectable values.
  • LDS: Moved to My RealDash.
  • Inputs: Door 1-6 Open, Hood Open.
  • Input: Currently Playing Song Folder.
  • User can specify the shutdown delay time.


  • Fixed Unfreeze gauges option.
  • Rate app popup removed from MRD versions.
  • Fixed adding AND/OR to trigger reset not editing at first time.
  • Fixed crash on recursive input mapping.
  • MaxxECU: Check engine light now works on CAN connection.


There may be a 2.0.8-1 release still on Apple store as update is pending for store reviews. 2.0.8-2 is required to use new LDS features.

The Live Data Streaming (LDS) has now been moved to My RealDash (MRD). In addition we made improvements to LDS. User can now select the values to stream to LDS, and MRD LDS page allows to switch between histogram and text view for each received value. Also, options on how you would like to share your LDS has been moved to MRD. See My RealDash web->LDS->Settings for possible options.

Old LDS service is still available for those who have active LDS subscription from Google, Microsoft or Apple. Purchasing or renewing LDS subscription from the stores has been disabled. If you have active LDS subscription from the stores, and would like to use new LDS features, contact us and we will activate MRD subscription for you instead.