RealDash version 2.2.1

  • 2.2.1 released 20.2.2023


  • Gauges with autoscaling segments have an option for draw order.
  • RPM warning and critical levels are now in vehicle settings.
  • CAN XML attributes float=“true” and double=“true”.
  • Option to limit how many datalog files are stored locally.
  • Added inputs for VVT control.
  • Added CAN support: AEM Vehicle Dynamics Module.
  • Added CAN support: Turbolamik TCU.
  • Android (experimental): Screen Capture to a video.


  • Gauge with subframe image aspect lock.
  • Gear not showing first on some circumstances.
  • CAN Monitor now shows outgoing frames.
  • CAN XML version 1 is no longer supported.
  • Rarely used ‘Where is My Car’ option moved to ‘Settings->User->Statistics’.
  • MRD: Download of filenames with special characters.


Gauges with built in layers, like needle and arc gauge now have a new option to change the layer drawing order. See ‘Look’n Feel->Special->Autoscaling->Draw Order’.

Vehicle profile now contains RPM warning and critical levels. When RPM gauge has an option ‘Scale Automatically to Engine Max RPM’ active, the gauge warning and critical levels are set per vehicle profile settings. On previous versions, warning and critical levels were approximated based on vehicle max RPM setting if ‘Scale Automatically to…’ was enabled.

Android version has an experimental Screen Capture feature. It captures entire screen to video and stores video files to user ‘Movies’ folder. Currently the only way to activate the Screen Capture is via Actions. Let us know if you find this feature useful for further development.

Linux install package has relaxed some of the dependencies.

Linux version contains a feature ‘Settings->Other->Check Updates’. It will check and download the .deb package from MRD if newer version exists. Install package is downloaded to ~/Downloads, but it is not automatically installed.