RealDashCan the counter

Please add to the CAN MONITOR the counter of received frames, and the frame refresh rate, for each frame separately. Thank.

I will take a look how to integrate those on monitor UI.

Greetings. Tell me, have you considered the possibility of adding this function? Is it possible to count on adding in the near future? or is it a long term? Thanks for the answer.

Its a long term as it requires major UI modifications to CAN Monitor.

It is also possible, at the same time to implement the backlight, if the byte has changed - I have long asked for this.

The highlighting the changed byte is much easier to implement. I will try to squeeze to the next release.

.Thank you

Won’t be able to do this for 1.7.7 as there is just too many other things I have to finish. The changing color is on my todo list though.

No problems. I will wait for the next releases …
Thank you for not forgetting … It’s already nice …))

A few months later, I remind you of this request. Suddenly there is a free space? Or free time? :wink:

Sorry, still does not fit into 1.8.0 :frowning:

This feature will probably fit into 1.8.1. We are now working on major performance update to connections, which is taking longer to test than we expected.

Let me know if I can help you with anything! Thank!

The 1.8.1 will have highlights on changed bytes and frames/sec display.

Hooray! Thanks! I finally waited!