Reducing RTSP delays

At the moment, the RTSP player is built in RealDash
but there are serious delays - 1-3 sec : what does not allow you to expand the functionality (night driving cameras, blind spot cameras, and so on )

I ask you to see what can be done, perhaps you can make the delays a little less

next, I will write some of my thoughts and test results

An ordinary RTSP IP camera, as a rule, compresses video into the H.264 codec and can operate in two modes of data transportation: interleaved and non-interleaved.

non-interleaved. In this case, the connection is established via the RTSP /TCP protocol, and the traffic goes separately, via the RTP/UDP protocol outside the created TCP channel. if use it in any mode deays arroun 0.1 sec

Also i test Chinas RTSP plaer in same hardware (UIS 7862 + WIFI IP CAM) any mode deays arroŠ³ound 0.1 sec - name this plaer app " icsee" in Google play market

that is, I conclude there are no hardware problems.