Running RealDash 1.9.2 in Virtualbox (Win 10 guest, Linux host)

Has anyone done the above successfully? If so I would be grateful to compare notes. I am trying to do this but at startup get a black screen for a second or so, sometimes longer, then nothing. I have realdash running well on a “real” Win 10 laptop but it has lower display resolution than the tablet I will use for the car’s dash, so I would like to use my newer, higher resolution laptop (whose OS is Linux) to develop the dash. I’m using a clean install of Win 10 fully updated in virtualbox (also fully updated) and apart from display resolution it’s as near as possible configured identically to the working native instance on the older laptop. I’ve tried many, many combinations of host configuration and guest configuration but to no avail. Windows event viewer reports that realdash has crashed with a memory access violation:

Faulting application name: RealDash_uwp.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6065d5f4
Faulting module name: RealDash_uwp.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6065d5f4
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000003209b1

Can anyone suggest a way to determine what in the VM environment is a problem for realdash? Or is the problem perhaps due to the HiDPI display resolution (3840x2160) of the host?

Bill A.

This could be related:

Wow, thanks for such a quick reply and… 1.9.3 installed and working!!!

So far only had time to skim thro’ Realdash’s functionality but hugely impressed.

FWIW I’ll contribute on the Showcase section in due course - project is dash modelled on Mugen version of Honda FD2-R dash, to help modernise a XR2-based kit-car’s interior.

All the best