Save/reset the Trip-A data

my display shows the tripA data. but when I turn off the engine all data is reset. I remember exactly that there was no such thing before.
I’ve already looked at everything, and the code for arduino, and Triggers, and Actions … nowhere do I reset the trip.
In Settings “Save trips” is ON.
tell me where to dig more?

I can dig that for you.

funny joke, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong.

Hopefully I can.

Using back button and confirming exit may not save the current settings. Will be fixed in next release. As a temporary workaround, try to close RealDash from Android task switcher instead.

This should be fixed in 1.8.8 beta.

Oh… no no no…

problem not in exit from app…

the point is that I design a complete cluster. it NEVER exits the realdash application.
this is not an additional device in the car, it is the MAIN dashboard.
and I need TRIP to NEVER reset until I do it myself. by the standard car button.
but I found another problem … look at the video.

I 'm not tested 1.8.8… will later. tomorrow.

You do have quit or pause RealDash in order to save the data. I will not implement the system that data would be saved constantly while driving as pulling power while saving will corrupt the file system and probably prevent RealDash from starting next time. And this is not something I would enjoy troubleshooting on.

Here are the events when data is saved:

  • On exit
  • Screen is closed (App Pause event)
  • App is sent to background
  • The ‘Body Electronics->Ignition On’ input changes from 1 to 0.

I wlll take a look at max speed trip values if I can find something.

OK. I understood about saving.
Yes. 1,8,8 seems to remember the trip data.
but the max speed is set to the maximum, which is specified in the gauge settings.

Check if the 1.8.8 release fixes the max speed issue.

cannot check 1.8.8.
I have 1.8.9beta. in beta max speed not fixed (((