Screen orientation


Does realdash support vertical screen? Thus far only seen horizontal screens/gauges.

Currently no. In actuality, you can design portrait dashboards on Windows 10 version of RealDash, but Android and iOS versions are locked to landscape. The reason for this is simply that there is no portrait user interface layout in RealDash. You can see that on Windows version that UI will get scrambled quite badly (although it still works) in landscape mode. Designing all our interfaces to portrait is too big of a task to do right now.

Some recent cars have a portrait orientation display. having some clusters in portrait will be so great.

Ok, got a need of portrait orientation too so maybe such idea: design on landscape mode with narrow gauges in the center of the screen and running on realdash with unlocked screen orientation to portrait mode? does it change anything?
or any chance to release beta test version of it? nobody needs to make design in such mode, so maybe portrait version for just viewing specially designed portrait dash?

This is something that we are working on. In matter of fact, you can already design portrait dashboards on Windows and Linux versions of RealDash. Also, we enabled screen rotation for iPads. This is still experimental.

In practise landscape and portrait have their completely own layout. We experimented a lot with automatic landscape/portrait scaling, but there is no good solution for that.

Thats good news! I also found out temp solution by designing 90deg rotated gauges in landscape mode an view them in portrait by rotating the device (not the screen), graphics are easy but text gauges seems to not work very well when rotation is set to 90 or 270deg, strangely shrinked with no way to get it in proper ratio, also tabs around when editing are loosing shape and holding landscape rotation

Hi I downloaded the windows version of realdash but could not find any options for screen or gauge rotation. Which menu is it under?

Also is it possible to create a rotated dash in windows and import it into the mobile app to have a portrait dash on my phone?

Just make the screen size to portrait in ‘Settings->Application->Editing’ with Set Screen Size option. Android version still won’t work on portrait mode.